Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Assignment

Read each article noting the different perspectives of the author.

Write a three hundred word response to the readings discussing how ones position in the world shapes how he or she might feel about identity, society and culture.

I agree with James Nachtwey who says that photojournalism is a moral imperative and that photojournalist should be held to an ethical standard to accurately inform people on a global scale accurate representations of any catastrophes.  I understand there are some ethical questions about using extremely graphic photos of natural disaster, war, or poverty in photojournalism, but I believe that intention ultimately determine whether or not it should be considered ethical.  For example I would consider it ethical for a non-profit organization to use graphic photos in an effort to spread awareness about a certain catastrophe in an attempt to raise money and support for those being victimized.  However, I would think it unethical for a news organization to use graphic photos solely for profit maximization reasons.  I also acknowledge that it is hard for photos to accurately portray an event entirely because not only are they not a full representation of what is going on, but also, each person is going to have their subjective interpretation of the photo.  Because it will be impossible to objectively represent an event I also hold photojournalist to an ethical standard with their intentions once again.  I believe if they are genuinely trying to capture and unbiased representation of the event in an effort to spread awareness to the rest of the world then they are doing the right thing.   At the same time I believe it to be unethical for anyone who intentionally shows pictures they know are not reflective of what is going on.  This is why I don't really agree with embedded journalism because I believe the military will have a stronger incentive to spread unreflective images of war in an attempt to gain popular support from their nation, or for other political and militaristic reasons.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

"Social Phobia Not Same As Shyness Says Study Of US Teenagers." Medical News Today. 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 19 Oct. 2011. <>.
This article differentiates the difference between shyness and true social anxiety. It explains that people jump to the conclusion that they have a serious social phobia just because they are just naturally shy. This has resulted in many people being improperly prescribed with social anxiety medication because the diagnoses was wrong in the first place.