Friday, August 26, 2011

Facebook Advertisements

I see all kinds of rhetorical devices used on the internet, radio, television, billboards, and newspapers everyday.  To me, the most interesting and effective form of advertising is on Facebook.  This is because of the fact that when Facebook asks for the list of your interests they actually turn the information over to different companies so that they can market their product specifically to those who claim to be interested in it on Facebook.  This is most relevant for me in terms of music.  Under the information section of my profile I have listed countless numbers of bands and musicians I like, therefore, I get various advertisements on the side of my facebook page of different albums and EPs that are soon to be released that appeal to my music taste.  I personally believe this to be the most effective advertising yet because it allows the companies to market their products specifically to individuals that they know would appeal to them.  No longer to that they have to blindly market their products to entire demographics with absolutely no data to indicate whether or not the people are interested in their product in the first place.  Some people believe it to be wrong for Facebook to turn this information over to companies, but I actually enjoyed being marketed for products that actually interest me rather than just being randomly marketed by irrelevant products all the time.

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