Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies of Coca Cola Christmas Advertisement


Here is an advertisement by Coca Cola that is using many different rhetorical devices we have talked about in class.  The rhetorical device ethos, that attempts to gain credibility to the audience, is evident here in that Santa Claus is the one drinking the Coke.  This gains credibility because people Santa Claus is known as a very positive figure in our society, and by having such an idolized figure drink a Coke, people will think that it is worthy for them to drink as well. 

The rhetorical strategy known as pathos is also evident in the advertisement in that people have a strong emotional connection with not only Santa Claus, but also, Christmas as well.  Therefore, by pairing their product with such a positive emotional connection, the advertisers are appealing to important feelings in their intended audience.

The another rhetorical device known as logos is not as evident here, but I believe another, Kairos certainly is.  Considering that it is August it is actually not a relevant rhetorical strategy right now, but come December it certainly will be.  This of course being because December is the month of Christmas and this as will be relevant on a larger rhetorical context.  People will be in the Christmas spirit and will be much more inclined to buy products that they associate with Christmas time.  Therefore, by Coke taking advantage of the Holiday spirit, I feel they will likely increase their sales.

Overall I believe this to be an effective ad using multiple rhetorical devices we've discussed in class.  By appealing strongly to the audiences emotions, and gaining credibility for consumption of the product, especially during Christmas time, I feel that Coke has created a very successful advertisement.  

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