Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog 9/2

I personally think that the mass media has defined what our culture believes to be beauty.  I think that they use special effects, models unrepresentative of the rest of the population, and makeup to create what they see as the perfect person, at least in terms of physical attractiveness.  I believe that this creation has resulted in many problems with the superficial society in which we live.  Many people live now by an almost anorexic standard of living in which they try and emulate the models, actors, and everyone else on TV that are almost impossible imitate.  I think that true beauty in someone has been covered up by the superficial idea of beauty that has been created by the media, and that we really don’t know what it is to be naturally and genuinely beautiful.  People’s opinions and beliefs are greatly impacted in many areas in terms of the way they understand and view reality, and I believe their outlook to what they believe to be physically beautiful is almost entirely shaped by what the media has told them is beautiful.  This has resulted in many people trying to live up to impossible standards and instilling many deep insecurities about their physical appearance into them.  This, to me, is extremely unfortunate and I believe should be changed.  We should no longer view, beauty, as what the media wants us to.  We should look for the inherent beauty in all people and see through the superficial image that has been created by newspapers, magazines, and television.  Being caught up in these superficial appearances is the reason for so many insecurities in our country today and i believe this to be a major problem that should be changed. 

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