Monday, September 19, 2011

Ideas for Research Project

Who is responsible for the housing market crash in 2008?
Clearly many factors led to the housing market crash in 2008 that led to one America's worst economic down turn since the great depression.  Many people take different sides and point fingers at different political parties and leaders at the time and prior to the recession.  However, I believe the housing market crash was due to a multitude of complex factors that cannot be pinned on any individual political leader or party, but and accumulation of policies and economic progress over a long period of time.  Therefore, I want to research this topic, find what I believe to be the root cause or causes based on unbiased empirical data in order to formulate my argument.

Correlation between music tastes and behavior.
Clearly our society is divided into many sub cultures that have different tastes in music.  My goal would be to look at correlation between different music tastes certain subcultures have and their behavior.  For example, do subcultures that listen to more violent music behave more violently than those who listen to more relaxed music.  How does social status, intelligence, race, gender, religion influence the type of music one person chooses to listen to.  Is music a good indicator in peoples' behavior, or do they listen to that type of music because they had a certain personality type to begin with.

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